Sunday, 24 January 2016

Beauty Blogger Tag

Hello everyone, as you can tell from the title i have been nominated to do the beauty blogger tag by the lovely Kat and Elle
Here are the rules:
1. Tag the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the questions you were given
3. Nominate 10 fashion/beauty/lifestyle bloggers
4. Come up with 10 questions for your nominees 
5. Inform the bloggers you chose you nominated them 
The questions that were given by Kat and Elle:
1. Favourite drugstore beauty brand?

 Probably collection or maybelline
2. Favourite high end brand?
To be honest I've never shopped at any high end brands before, but if i had to pick one it would be mac or benefit.
3. If you could buy any clothes store, which would you buy?
Topshop or New Look
4. Clothes shopping or makeup shopping?
Definitely clothes shopping!
5. If you could only wear one makeup item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I can't live without concealer, so concealer!
6. Lush or Bath and Body Works?
We don't have a bath and body works in the UK, so i would have to say lush.
7. Reading blogs or watching youtube?
Ooh, that's a hard one, but it would have to be youtube.
8. Netflix or youtube?
Another extremely hard question, can i pick both, haha!
9. What is your favourite type of hat?
I would go for the classic beanie.
10. Harry Potter or The Hunger Games?
Harry Potter all the way!!
My nominees are:
Made in Mauve 
Kenzie Blogs Life 
Charlotte Luisa 
Blogs By Lola 
With Love From Amy 

My questions are:

1. Do you read, if so whats your favourite book?
2. Whats the one makeup product you cant leave home without?
3. Who's your favourite blogger at the moment?
4. Maybelline or Mac?
5. If you had £1,000,000, what would you do with it?
6. Whats your favourite movie of all time?
7. What is one goal you want to achieve this year?
8. What was the first makeup product you ever owned?
9. Drugstore or high end?
10. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Hope you liked this post, go and check out all of these blogs because they are amazing! Dont forget to like, comment and follow!

See you soon,

Maya xx

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