Tuesday 12 April 2016

A Blast From The Past

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today's post is a little different as i am going to be throwing it back to when i was a kid (when life was great) and sharing some of the things i grew up with, enjoy! You can find all sorts of cool items from your past on the auction site invaluable, which has tons of collectibles.
Now, i never actually owned a pair of these, but they were everywhere when i was a kid. I begged and begged my mum, but she never let me have some:( I'm seriously contemplating buying a pair!
Wearing whatever you wanted:
Whether it was a hello kitty top paired with a bright yellow tutu with blue converse i could wear whatever my little heart desired. Comment if you would wear this amazing ensemble down the street or even to school!!
 Picture books:

Some of my favourite books were picture books, like Dr Seuss, postman pat not forgetting each peach pear plum. (Comment if you've heard of this book!)

Build a Bear's
I know these are still around but these cuddly toys were the best! I actually still have my Koala and unicorn ones!
Every i.c.t lesson in primary school, was so much fun, purely because we got to use wordart and make posters and that sort of thing. I remember there wasn't a lot of options to choose from, but my favourite was definitely the rainbow one!
I don't know about you but my favourite t.v channel was popgirl, i watched it in the morning and when i got home from school (i know, the obsession was bad) some of my favourite programmes were, mew mew power, victorious, icarly, trollz, etc.
GirlTalk: Magazine:
This was the magazine i got every week, it came with celebrity gossip, free gifts what more could you want in a magazine, right!;)
 Ok, that's it for this post, hope you liked it. Don't forget to like,comment and follow my blog!
 See you soon,
Maya xx
Twitter: @mayaa1680
Instagram: @xmayaxyz

Wednesday 6 April 2016

March Favourites | 2016

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog! Its now April, so its time for my March favourites, enjoy:)

Makeup & Skincare:

Sleek 'a new day' Palette

Only one makeup item for this month, and that is the 'a new day' palette from sleek which is one of their newest ones. I first saw this on Sarocha B's valentines makeup video, it looked gorgeous so of course i had to buy it! The pigmentation is amazing, and it has a range of different colours. 

Aloe Vera Eye Gel

This product has saved my under eyes, i use this every morning to reduce puffiness, it also helps you feel more awake. And the best thing is, its totally natural. I recommend this a lot!
the link to the website is HERE


Denim Pinafore

Pinafores have been everywhere i look, so i bought one, this one is from New Look, you can pair it with anything, this is a staple piece for my wardrobe!


TV & Film:

Good Morning Call

When i first watched this i wasn't really bothered, but now I'm completely obsessed! Its based in Japan, its very different to the things i usually watch, but that's why i love it!


This show is all about Queen Mary of Scot's life, all i can say is its really good and you should go watch it!
(both of these shows are on netflix!)


Pusheen Plush

I had been eyeing this plush for a while now, so i saved up and bought it, this is one of those random pointless things that you NEED in your life! 


Hayley Kioko - Girls Like Girls

The 1975 - Somebody Else

Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman

So, that's all for this month! Dont forget to like, comment and follow my blog.
See you soon,

Maya xx
Twitter: @mayaa1680
Instagram: @xmayaxyz