Wednesday 1 April 2015

Would You Rather | Tag

Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog, today's post is going to be the would you rather tag. I got the idea from Kelsey's blog, so go and have a read of hers links are HERE. Enjoy!

Would you rather:

1. Have no internet or no phone? No phone, because i couldn't live without internet!

2. Never eat chocolate again or never eat pizza again? Never eat pizza again, because what would you do at Easter. And i love chocolate!

3. Travel to the future or travel back in time? Travel back in time because i don't want to see the future, i want it to be a surprise. And it would be really interesting getting to know your ancestors!

4. Live in a world with no problems or live in a world where you rule? Live in a world with no problems because i don't like being a leader anyway, and it would be nice not to have any problems.

5. Be super strong or super fast? Super fast, so that i could get to places quicker!

6. Would you rather be homeless or without any family and friends? Homeless because i wouldn't want to feel lonely all the time.

7. Always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again? Always have to say everything on my mind because at least i'm being honest!

8. Be able to turn invisible or be able to fly? Be able to fly because then i wouldn't have to pay for a flight on holiday!

9. Live in the harry potter universe or the Pokemon universe? Harry potter all the way!!

10. Find true love or find £10,000,000? Find true love because i think that's a lot more important than money.

Hope you liked that random post, as this is a tag i have to nominate some other people to do it:
+Peace Firestone 
+glitter glamgirl 
Make sure to give this a like and follow me to know when i publish new posts!

Take care,

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