Thursday 18 December 2014

Christmas DIY Gift's!

Hi again! I'm going to show you some easy and quick DIY gifts for Christmas!

1. A personalised sharpie mug:
Now I know that every single person has heard of this but you cant go wrong with this one!
You will need:
A plain white mug
Some oil based sharpies (Oil based are the best, as they don't come off in the wash!) your choice of colour.
So its simple just draw your design onto the mug, then preheat your oven to 180c or 350c in imperial, then cook(that sounds weird!) your mug for about 30 mins and your done!!

2. Gifts in a Jar:
If you're a pintrest freak like me, you will have heard of these.
You will need:
A jar/mason jar
Little gifts, you can personalise it e.g. spa things, skin care or sweets/chocolate, gift cards, makeup. Its all up to you!
Optional: Ribbon, gift tags
This is also really easy, just arrange your little gifts in the jar, tie the ribbon on and the gift tags, and that's it!

3. Movie Night Box:
The perfect gift for someone who loves movies!
You will need:
The perfect movie (their fave movie!)
Maybe some PJ's to go with it.
What's a movie night without popcorn!
A box, this can be a large shoe box or a hamper you choose.
Then simply arrange the goodies in the box, and tie with ribbon!

4. Hot Chocolate Reindeer!:
Great for making with siblings or kids! And an extra goodie you could put in the movie night box I just showed you!
You will need:
Hot chocolate powder (obviously)
Mini marshmallows
A clear piping bag, (you can get these at any good supermarket or baking/cooking shop!)
Felt in black, red and brown, or you could just use sharpies to draw it on!
Next put the hot chocolate powder into the bottom of the piping bag, and then the mini marshmallows on top. Tie the bag closed with ribbon.  Then start drawing or cutting out the reindeers features and draw/stick them on with some glue! And your done!

5. Peppermint Bath Salts:
Perfect for your mum or best friend!
You will need:
Bath salts (you can get these from any good supermarket!)
Peppermint flavouring
Red food colour
 Two bowls and a spoon
A jar/mason jar
Optional: Ribbon/gift tag
First, mix your bath salts and peppermint In the first bowl, then in the second bowl mix your bath salts, peppermint and red food colour. Then in order place the clear mix into the bottom of the jar, press down with the spoon, then repeat with the red mix. Keep going until you have a cool stripe effect! Tie with ribbon/gift tag and your good to go!

I hoped you liked this slightly longer than usual post, and I hope you found this useful. If you want any more ideas look on pintrest or just google it!
Don't forget to recommend, subscribe and follow this blog to see more by yours truly!

Lots of Love M xx 

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